Chapter 7 – Website Links
Supports research and promotes best practices in adult basic education in Canada.
Argot Language Centre
Collection of links to English reading exercises.
Ready-to-print EFL/ESL lesson plans on current events.
CAELA (reading)
CAELA (Burt, Peyton, Van Duzer)
Article: “How Should Adult ESL Reading Instruction Differ from ABE Reading Instruction?” by M. Burt, J. Peyton, and C. Van Duzer.
Website of the Canadian Literacy and Learning Network (CLLN), the national coalition advancing literacy and essential skills across Canada.
A site developed to help new Canadians find out more about Canada, from the making of maple syrup to the history of the nation at war. Learners will build their English skills by watching and listening to interesting stories from the archives of CBC Television and CBC Radio. The Radio and TV stories have lesson plans with study exercises to help students learn English.
CLB Readings and Tasks
Centre for Education and Training
Canadian Corner – Canadian Reading and Canadian Citizenship Test.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Study Guide - Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship, Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
Clear Language and Design
Reading Effectiveness Tool to find out if your text is the right reading level for your intended audience.
Commission on Adult Basic Education (COABE)
Tutor Curriculum Guide for Teaching Adult ESL Preliterate Learners” by Cielito Brekke. Contains information on problems and barriers to second language learning, instructional approaches and strategies, and a content list of ready-to-use learning activities and lessons (e.g. alphabet, numbers, time, money).
A selection of articles from the Edmonton Journal and Calgary Herald Newspapers for English language learners that include an audio component. 
An online daily news source that provides free, reproducible news stories in basic English.
ESL Literacy Network
Learning for LIFE: An ESL Literacy Handbook published in 2009 by Bow Valley College, Calgary, Alberta.  Contains a wealth of practical information about LIFE (Learners with Interrupted Formal Education) as well as learner scenarios and real-life classroom examples.  Levels of ESL Literacy describe in detail the different phases as outlined in the Canadian Language Benchmarks 2000: ESL for Literacy Learners. 
The Internet TESL Journal
National Adult Literacy Database (assessment)
Materials for Initial Reading, Writing and Spelling Assessment: Manitoba Department of Education and Training.      
National Adult Literacy Database (essential skills)
CLB Essential Skills: Typical Reading Tasks for Cooks and Cleaners.
National Adult Literacy Database (tutor training)
Tutor Training Kit: A Learner-Centred Approach to Tutoring Adult ESL Learners.” It contains detailed information about culture and communication, learning styles, learner assessment, and teaching strategies and lesson planning for beginner, intermediate and advanced ESL learners. There are numerous examples of a wide range of ready-to-use learning activities.
Reading Horizons
Article: “Literacy Instruction for Adult English Language Learners (ESL/ELL students) – ESL and ABE Instruction” by Miriam Burt, Joy Kreeft Peyton, and Carol Van Duzer.
Think Literacy
ESL/ELD 7–12: good ideas for adult learners from the government of Ontario.
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center
Teaching Reading to Adult English Language Learners: A Reading Instruction Staff Development Program.
A newspaper for adult learners published by Capilano University. Includes audio version of stories, teachers’ notes, and online resources.

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