Chapter 10 – Website Links
Quizzes, puzzles, and activities for ESL students on grammar and vocabulary.
English as a Second Language quizzes and tests on all skills for different levels.
Adult Learning Activities: Plenty of interesting reading, listening, and speaking activities for adult learners. Can be used for classroom-teaching, assessment, self-learning, and self-assessment.
Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers
Activities, assessment tasks, and links that can be used or adapted for your classroom teaching and assessment.
All kinds of information on assessment and resources that teachers need.
Lessons, ideas, quizzes, exercises, activities, games, and stories on all skills and a great variety of topics.
English as a Second Language
Lots of reading, writing, conversation, grammar, and dictation exercises for different levels. Students can also interact with a robot in writing.
Exercises and quizzes on all language skills and business English.
English English
Activities and quizzes on vocabulary, grammar, reading, and listening.
Focus English
Plenty of free listening activities and quizzes on a variety of topics, marked by computer; correct answers and explanations to key words or phrases are one click away.
Teaching ideas, learning activities, and quizzes for both the teacher and students on popular topics. A special section on business English.
Many listening, speaking, singing, writing, vocabulary, and grammar activities and quizzes.
Nada’s ESL Island: Resources for Teachers & Students
Plenty of listening quizzes and practices at all difficulty levels, as well as for academic English. Listening scripts are one click.
Plenty of English language activities, exercises, and tests.

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