Chapter 11 – Website Links
Adult Literacy and Technology Network
Adult Education Web Quests to Download: Family Literacy, Adult Education and Advanced ESL Students
Student-produced podcasts.
BBC: Teaching English
Article: “Blogging for ELT.”  Looks at blogging as a language learning tool and gives an overview of blogging websites and practical advice on setting up blogs for use with ESL classes.
Blog: “Reflections on Teaching and Learning Languages” by Graham Stanley.
Breaking News English
Computers and English for Speakers of Other Languages (CESOL)
A web-based multimedia system for adults learning English as a second language.
English Language Centre Study Zone: University of Victoria
English-language lessons and practice exercises created by teachers at the ELC.
ESL in Canada
ESL News Canada
English as a Second Language podcasts.
Google Videos
ICT for Language Teachers
The Internet TESL Journal
Article: “Using PowerPoint for ESL Teaching,” by Don Fisher.
National Institute for Literacy
National Writing Project
Technology Recipes for English Language Learners: Blogging, Digital Storytelling, Podcasting, Google Docs, and Wikispaces,” by Robert Rivera-Amezola, Joe Bellino, C. Lynn Jacobs, and Judy Rance-Roney.
Parliament of Canada
Sir Wilfrid Laurier School
A Canadian Province Slide Show Activity: You be the Travel Agent (web activity)
Speaking skills for advanced learners of English, e.g. presentation skills.
Computer Assisted Language Learning
Teacher Training Videos (TTV by Russell Stannard)
ELT/ESL Teacher training videos on using technology.
Article: “Helping ESL Students Become Computer Literate,” by Bobbie Crocket
TESL Ontario
Power Point Presentation: Using the Internet and Media in the Classroom, by Veronica Vulic
Master Wiki
Toronto Public Library
New to Canada” blog for learners.
Digital resources for the ESL classroom.
Vancouver Island University
The Virtual Language School
English to Go” podcast.
Voice of America: Learning English
Simplified language podcasts, such as the Voice of America's Special English. Uses slow delivery and restricted vocabulary appropriate to beginners.
Wallingford Adult Education
Power Point Presentation: Computer Instruction for ESL Students, by Pam Anderson
An online community of practice for teachers and educators who meet on line to discuss the use of computer mediated communication tools.

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