Blogs to Watch


Erik Qualman’s blog


OK Cupid

Well known for its interactive infographics and charts using their users data to show trends in sex and online dating.

Financial website well known for its use of infographics

Kevin Liew is a web designer and developer who is passionate and keen on contributing to the web development industry (How to Design Infographics)


Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine delivers useful and innovative information to Web designers and developers. Its aim is to inform our readers about the latest trends and techniques in Web development. Covers Wordpress, coding, design, mobile apps, and news.

This weblog explores the symbiotic relationship between creative design and the field of information visualization. More specifically, it collects projects that represent data or information in original or intriguing ways.


Five Tips for Getting Started on a Digital Humanities Dissertation

A blog by Amanda Visconti

One of the most active technology blogs with emphasis on social networking and innovative applications


Wired Magazine blog

Wired Magazine’s blog. Focus on technology news.


Infographitweet on Twitter

Collection of infographics generally from Pinterest

Home of artist and scientist Stephen Von Worley's data visualization research; a journal of interesting information imagery and news from around the world. Less focused on effectively communicating information and more focused on creating art inspired and somewhat created by the data used.


Submit Infographics

A place for all things infographics. Articles about infographics, services to create infographics, archive or infographics on all topics. Organized into categories such as Educational, Pop Culture, Food and Drink, Funny, E-Commerce, Business Economics.


Visual Loop, Tumblr

A non-stop stream of links to infographics, maps, charts, and many other worldwide visualization designs that make the process of understanding our life a bit easier...or not. It's not a showcase of good or bad design.


"50 Most Stunning Examples of Data Visualization and Infographics," Rick Works

A collection of some of the best of the visually creative (art) and the creative effective presentation of scholarly data (data visualization).


"Graphic Detail," The Economist

This blog publishes a new chart or map every working day, highlights interactive-data features and provides links to interesting sources of data around the web.


I Love Charts, Tumblr

Mostly geared towards comedic content and art, not visualizations of scientific data, this blog is notable in that respect, though, as it shows the versatility of the infographic and how it is being used as a medium in many fields and demographics.


Confessions of an Aca-Fan: The Weblog of Henry Jenkins

Henry Jenkinds is a professor of communication, journalism,and cinematic arts at the University of Southern California. His blog is written from the perspective of an Aca-Fan—both academic and fan. He offers discussions about media from the consumer’s point of view.


Nicholars Basbanes

Writing about books, bibliophiles, and various aspects of book culture.

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