Infographic Tools


ArcGIS Explorer

ArcGIS Explorer is a custom mapping tool that can be used in a web browser. ArcGis Explorer allows you to perform a range of basic GIS (Geographic Information System) functions such as display, query and retrieve data.


A Thousand Words: Advanced Visualization for the Humanities


e-Diasporas Atlas


ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World


View DHQ (Digital Humanities Quarterly)



The GeoNames geographical database covers all countries and contains over eight million place names that are available for download free of charge. Users are able to search cities, malls, universities, beaches, areas (official area names, e.g., East York, High Park, York), populated places (local neighbourhood names, e.g., Riverdale, Regent Park, Cabbagetown) and see the geographical boarders as well as access other information displays and links. The GeoNames geographical database is available for download free of charge under a creative commons attribution license.


Techsoup Canada

TechSoup Canada provides Canadian organizations such as charities, nonprofits, and libraries with donated software and technology in order to better collect, organize, and visualize data as well as streamline networks.


Componentart Professional Services

Componentart started in 2002 in Toronto ON and has worked to create Data visualization presentation technology on all devices. Their clients include AT&T, Panasonic, Citi, Rogers, Verizon, and Microsoft. Their goal is to help our customers gain insight from their data and obtain access to mission-critical information through any device.


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