Open-Source Databases


Flickr API

Flickr offers a fairly comprehensive and open application programming interface (API) that enables programmers to create applications that offer new ways to use and explore Flickr data.


Geospatial Data Abstraction Library

GDAL is a database for viewing geospatial information.


Google Public Data

Makes it easy to visualize a range of data sets which can be displayed as line graphs, bar graphs, cross-sectional plots, or on maps.


Google Trends

Maps how often a search term is used.


New York Philharmonic

The NYP has made their archive of sheet music available to the public over the Internet. Over the next ten years their goal is to create an environment that is conducive to research, so not only do you have access to sheet music from Leonard Bernstein’s debut, but also the program, the actual score from which he conducted on that night, as well as audio clips.


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